This International Women’s Day, we’re celebrating the female leadership that has contributed to Flashtalking’s success across the globe. We stopped to ask a few of our female colleagues about their lives, their careers, and what has inspired them to reach where they are today.
As Google and Amazon increasingly compete against the same industries who use their ad serving business, Flashtalking's John Mruz asks a critical question: Should advertisers freely hand over their valuable first-party data?
At the heart of Flashtalking’s ambition is to build the industry's best platform for managing digital advertising. CEO John Nardone breaks down what “best” means to us in six key areas we believe we excel for advertisers.
La Desaparición De Las Cookies, El Renacimiento De La Creatividad Y La Transparencia Marcarán La Próxima Década
El año y la década no ha hecho más que echar a andar. Flashtalking ha realizado un estudio de las tendencias que marcarán el devenir del sector de la publicidad digital en los próximos diez años, que estará muy marcado por el ocaso de las cookies de terceros, entre otros fenómenos.
Here’s what you need to know about Chrome’s latest announcement, its impact on the ad tech industry and Flashtalking’s response.
Yesterday, Google announced plans to restrict the use of third-party cookies in its Chrome internet browser. When you enlist in the Ad Tech industry, you learn to anticipate—and roll with—such changes, especially those originating from Google. Here’s what you need to know.
La ricerca di trasparenza nel digital advertising, la guerra dello streaming, contenuti che siano sempre più esperienze, lo sviluppo dell’addressable tv e l’evoluzione delle metriche continueranno a tenere banco anche nel 2020.