Empieza un nuevo año que plantea grandes retos al marketing digital; una de ellas es lanzar mensajes más relevantes y atractivos a cada consumidor para personalizar su experiencia. MarketingDirecto.com se sienta con Juan Garriga de Flashtalking para descubrir cómo la creatividad personalizada es una de las mejores estrategias y cómo implementar esta estrategia.

Creativity is a fundamental pillar in digital campaigns. In this sense, a Nielsen study indicates that effective creatives can lead to an increase of up to 47% in sales attributed to advertising. However, when measuring campaigns, we do not pay adequate attention to measuring creative effectiveness itself. And most of the effort of digital analytics is focused on uncertain metrics such as CTR ( Click Through Rate ) and last interaction attribution models (LTA) or other economically very expensive ones such as A / B tests.

Following the release of the latest IPA Bellwether Report, industry executives share their thoughts on the news that the COVID-19 pandemic once again hit UK marketing budgets hard in the final quarter of 2020

ClickThrough Marketing have partnered with the independent ad server, Flashtalking, to provide clients with clear, unbiased data that will be used to provide accurate insights into paid media campaigns and report on overall returns on investment.

It’s time for marketing and sales teams to further optimize their digital advertising and marketing tactics in 2021 to create better outcomes, Allyson Huiskamp, VP Sales at Flashtalking, Inc. joins us to share a few best practices and tips:

Personalisierung effektiv umzusetzen ist keine triviale Aufgabe. Sie erfordert ein neues Denken – über Werbemittel, Daten und den Konsumenten. “Besonders im Konsumgütermarketing ist es allerdings essenziell, Präsenz zu zeigen und Konsumenten mit aufmerksamkeitsstarken Werbemitteln zu erreichen,” says Christian Altemeier.

As we head into 2021, the digital advertising world is preparing for the next phase of its evolution. Marketing Magazine asks Flashtalking’s Georgia Brammer for her top tips to weather the changes and building an effective and sophisticated adtech stack.

With more advertisers turning to video advertising in 2020, how can brands ensure they are getting the most out of this dynamic medium? John Nardone, CEO of Flashtalking, explains.

El consumo de medios actual se caracteriza por su gran fragmentación. Entre los múltiples dispositivos y canales, el consumo de vídeo se encuentra en una situación sin precedentes al estar más que nunca dividido y poder disfrutarse en el smartphone, la tablet, el portátil, las redes sociales, la televisión tradicional y las múltiples plataformas de streaming.