Personalisierung effektiv umzusetzen ist keine triviale Aufgabe. Sie erfordert ein neues Denken – über Werbemittel, Daten und den Konsumenten. “Besonders im Konsumgütermarketing ist es allerdings essenziell, Präsenz zu zeigen und Konsumenten mit aufmerksamkeitsstarken Werbemitteln zu erreichen,” says Christian Altemeier.
As we head into 2021, the digital advertising world is preparing for the next phase of its evolution. Marketing Magazine asks Flashtalking’s Georgia Brammer for her top tips to weather the changes and building an effective and sophisticated adtech stack.
With more advertisers turning to video advertising in 2020, how can brands ensure they are getting the most out of this dynamic medium? John Nardone, CEO of Flashtalking, explains.
El consumo de medios actual se caracteriza por su gran fragmentación. Entre los múltiples dispositivos y canales, el consumo de vídeo se encuentra en una situación sin precedentes al estar más que nunca dividido y poder disfrutarse en el smartphone, la tablet, el portátil, las redes sociales, la televisión tradicional y las múltiples plataformas de streaming.
Flashtalking is proud to have been named the Artificial Intelligence category winner at the 2020 I-COM Data Creativity Awards, culminating in three consecutive years of outstanding industry leadership.
With Google Chrome’s announcement in January that it would phase out third-party cookies and Apple later announcing it would abandon its Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA), Ad News takes the opportunity to ask Flashtalking’s Georgia Brammer to weigh in on how advertisers can prepare for the 2021 landscape.
Los Pasos Para Llegar A La Cima Del Diseño De Creatividades Personalizadas Con Las Que Enamorar Al Consumidor
El hecho refleja una realidad: muchas marcas se han adaptado con flexibilidad y rapidez a un escenario inimaginable. Sin embargo, esa velocidad de adaptación no se refleja con la misma celeridad en el diseño de las creatividades de las campañas digitales. Y para las marcas, ser capaz de hacerlo es la puerta que les conduce a la victoria.
The industry is witnessing a generational shift as linear TV transforms into digital and OTT. Much remains uncertain about the world that will emerge from this transition. How much inventory will there be? Where will it come from? How will it be sold? And under what terms — or, perhaps more important, under whose terms — will it be measured and transacted? CEO John Nardone looks at the turbulent future of TV and how marketers can prepare.
Brands will forge their independent path by selecting the right technology and services from the open ecosystem. But the quality of the technology is only one factor they must consider in their selection process. Ease of use and trusted human relationships are the systems of support that make the open ecosystem work. And that has never been clearer than today when COVID has forced those relationships online.