Apple's forthcoming privacy rules may negatively impact game studios and publishers who currently raise revenue and gain users through targeted ads. Flashtalking CEO John Nardone warns: "Apple’s move to restrict its ad business could be viewed as anti-competitive by raising prices for consumers used to free, ad-supported apps."
The Olympics are delayed for this year, but remain a huge opportunity and attractive investment for advertisers, allowing them to reach a diverse, engaged, and massive global audience across the 16-day period. Marketers must adapt to an environment where everything has changed, and where tone, tenor, and authenticity are paramount.
The emergence of cybersecurity technology in the ad fraud prevention space is driving change. Guest writer Guy Tytunovich, Founder & CEO of CHEQ, reflects on the adoption of these new technologies and approaches.
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested every organization’s ability to adapt and communicate vital information and business changes on the fly. CEO John Nardone shares how brands can remain relevant to their customers in a time like this, without sounding tone-deaf or opportunistic.
CEO John Nardone takes a look at five stages for brands eager to develop stronger ad creative across multiple departments.
Flashtalking CEO John Nardone joins MediaPost to discuss how CPG brands, which are often considered old friends to consumers, look to comfort them in times of crisis.
If marketers are going to continue to properly orient digital video in their media mixes and execute effectively, they’re going to require the two-way street that enables dynamic creative and analytics. That means “business as usual” with SSAI will have to change.
In today’s episode of AdExchanger’s podcast “Social Distancing with Friends”, host Ryan Joe interviews Flashtalking CEO John Nardone on managing business relationships and leading during a crisis
Un estudio elaborado por flashtalking analiza cómo el cerebro procesa la información mientras trabaja en modo multitarea y proporciona las claves para hacer que las campañas digitales lleguen de manera efectiva a los consumidores solventando los problemas de distracción crónica y ceguera publicitaria frente a la publicidad digital tradicional.