The nature of server-side ad insertion (SSAI) makes transparency more challenging than with more traditional models of ad serving. IAB Tech Lab REBOOT 2020 led a panel discussion on the growing value of SSAI and how building new tech standards and developing best practices can improve transparency and enable trust.
Jessica Dufresne, General Manager, Sling Ad Tech & Yield, DISH Media
Roy Firestone, Principal Product Manager, Ad Tech, Verizon Media
Mike Midden, Director, Product Management, IAB Tech Lab
John Nardone, Chief Executive Officer, Flashtalking
2020 has seen more changes to the ad tech industry than in the previous five years, and there’s no sign that things will slow down anytime soon. But in chaos lies opportunity—and for digital advertising the opportunity is to design a better blueprint for a stronger and more flexible framework to support the industry during our turbulent 2020 and beyond. IAB Tech Lab: REBOOT 2020 takes this opportunity to gather global stakeholders to discuss re-architecting digital marketing for more predictable privacy.