The art and science of social
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
4–7 p.m. CT
Mediaocean Chicago Headquarters
120 S Riverside Plaza
Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60606
Over the years, platforms have honed algorithms and optimization engines to keep audiences engaged and deliver performance for brands.
As consumers and creators continually push the boundaries with their behaviors, expectations, and creativity, new trends are taking shape.
In today’s landscape, how do advertisers catapult their growth potential through both the science and the art of social?
How can Creative Ad Tech and AI be deployed to meet consumers in the moment and unify media and creative efforts?
Join us for a panel discussion addressing these questions and more as we share perspectives from Flashtalking strategists, clients, and partners.
And stick around for happy hour as we "get social" with drinks, apps, and swag!