
Cow & Gate, a prominent UK baby food and milks brand, faced the challenge of managing and allocating budgets across their diverse lines of business effectively. Despite using campaign budget optimization on Facebook, the distribution was uneven, failing to align with business priorities. A new approach was necessary to regain control and ensure a balanced budget and visibility for each product line. The team employed Flashtalking Social Ads Manager and implemented budget thresholds to allocate budgets based on ad and creative precisely. Additionally, by shifting from total budget to daily budget caps, the team ensured all product ads remained live, pacing to ensure visibility all month long.

Through the strategic utilization of smart groups and the implementation of budgeting, the distribution of spend across various products achieved a more balanced and insightful outcome. Leveraging spend thresholds at the ad level allowed for fluid budget reallocation for some products, effectively aligning with the brand's business priorities. Noteworthy cost improvements were also realized, with a reduction in CPM by up to 52% and CPC by up to 41% across different products.
In an industry where every dollar counts, Flashtalking's solution delivered an optimized campaign budget, resulting in improvements across key metrics such as budget allocation, CPM, and CPC.