We didn’t know quite what to expect when we invited AdTech God to join a Flashtalking zoom call as part of our TACHBAE campaign.
But he/she/they did not disappoint! Not only did we get a tight 30-second spot with ATG delivering the money line, “This Ad Could Have Been An Email!”, but there was some terrific improv. Yes, and…..
Beyond all the speculation on who ATG was (contrary to popular belief, it’s not Bill Wise!) and the callbacks to our Super Bowl spot (bro is not the Rizzard of Oz!) there were some incredible decrees from the Lord of RTB including these gems:
Thou shall not commit ad waste for, in the world of Flashtalking, efficiency is king and every impression is sacred.
Thou shall not kill the user experience with irrelevant content for Flashtalking is the giver of relevance and engagement.
Honor thy data and thy analytics that thy campaigns may be long and prosperous in the lands governed by Mediaocean.
We tried our best to unmask ATG by encouraging him/her/them to turn on the camera, but to no avail. And perhaps it’s for the best.
ATG has been an amazing advocate for ad tech and part of why the deity’s message has resonated so far and wide is because of the mystique – ala Elvis.
So we’ll leave you with this extended cut of our ATG TACHBAE ad featuring BTS footage and bloopers. And remember, when it comes to unleashing the power of creative, anything is Possible.